6 Things You Can Do To Pass This Bill!

  1. Email your legislators to ask them to support this bill here! 
  2. Find and call your legislators by following the prompts here!
  3. Contact Governor McKee at governor@governor.ri.gov and ask him to support this bill.
  4. Spread the word with a social media post, and don’t forget to tag @rieeaconnects!
  5. Join our Google group for action alerts about the bill (and more!) by clicking here, or by emailing info@rieea.org.
  6. Print/share this handy one-pager with your networks. 

About the Bill

All Rhode Island youth need the skills and knowledge to be competitive in the growing green and blue economies.

The 2024 Rhode Island Climate Change and Ocean Protection Youth Education and Workforce Development Act, otherwise known as Bill S-2356 / H-7496, was introduced by Senator Valarie Lawson and Representative Jennifer Boylan.

It will create opportunities to provide educational programming and workforce training for a climate-resilient Rhode Island, including:


At least 40% of all funds will be directed to environmental justice communities, who are likely to be more significantly affected by the impacts of climate change.


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