A packed room of summit-goers, sitting in discussion groups at RIC.
On Saturday, March 16, RIEEA held our 2024 Annual Summit: Art for Eco-Literacy and Activism, presented by SouthCoast Wind!
From May Babcock’s wonderful keynote on ecocentric paper-making to discussion groups, raffle drawings, and even a pulp leaf art installation activity, the RIEEA community explored art and ecology the best way we know how: together. Thank you to our hosts at Rhode Island College, our many wonderful sponsors, and especially to all who joined us – hope you had as much fun as we did!
After making biodegradable pulp leaf casts, summit-goers planted them in the RIC pollinator garden.Participants create pulp-cast leaves under the instruction of keynote speaker May Babcock, using twigs, paper pulp, cloth, and dried leaves. Rhode Island College students pose with their advisor, RIC sustainability coordinator and longtime RIEEA enthusiast Jim Murphy. Board member Lisa Maloney cheerfully poses with a roll of raffle tickets. A close-up look at one of the pulp-cast leaves.