The mission and goal of NHC is to preserve Neutaconkanut Hill for future generations. Located on the border of Providence and Johnston, “the Hill” is the highest point in Providence. From the hilltop meadow – elevation of 296 feet above sea level – and along several hiking trails are spectacular views of the City and nearly a quarter of the State. The 88-acre woodland includes forested woodlands, several miles of hiking/walking trails, a panorama of picturesque stone walls, unique geological formations, natural springs and brooks, wildflowers and berries, as well as wildlife such as deer, fox, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, turkey, pheasant, opossum, and “many squirrels.” NHC offers educational programming for youth and the general public to expand understanding of the Hill’s natural and historical significance and engage community members in service projects.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Camps, Community Learning Projects, Education Materials & Resources, Field Trips, Grants, Outreach Programs/Speakers, Professional Development, Public and/or Family Programs, Service-Learning Projects
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Early Childhood/Pre-K Students, Elementary (K-Grade 5) Students, Families, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Homeschools, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Nonformal Educators, Seniors, Teachers/Formal Educators, Youth Groups/Scouts
- Environmental Focus: Agriculture/Farming, Animals/Wildlife, Conservation, Cultural Awareness, Ecology, Geology, Habitats/Ecosystems, Litter, Nature Awareness, Outdoor Skills/Recreation, Plants/Trees/Forests
- Academic Focus: Civics/Social Studies, Science