CHI-RI checks the pulse of the community to build on its assets and develop tailored programs that better address the community’s health and wellness challenges. Advocacy work is done through the Mt. Hope Coalition to Increase Food Security where multiple groups and stakeholders meet to address different issues in the food system. CHI-RI started the Sharing Garden in Billy Taylor Park which produces healthy, local food in the Mount Hope neighborhood of Providence, RI. Adult and youth education happens at the Sharing Garden in multiple ways including open access to the garden and its produce, free workshops, and the Teen Plot-to-Plate youth program.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Community Learning Projects, Consulting Resources, Public and/or Family Programs
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Elementary (K-Grade 5) Students, Environmental Professionals, Families, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Nonformal Educators, Parents, Policy Makers/Elected Officials, Seniors, Teachers/Formal Educators
- Environmental Focus: Agriculture/Farming, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Gardening/Compost, Outdoor Skills/Recreation, Plants/Trees/Forests, Recycling/Waste Management, Soil, Storm Water, Sustainability
- Academic Focus: Health