The Mystic Aquarium is focused on mentoring, youth development, conservation, education, and research. Via its network of national role models and local mentors, it brings the thrill of scientific discovery to more than 100,000 youth annually, exposing them to fascinating science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) phenomena and careers they might otherwise never experience. Mystic Aquarium is a recognized and respected leader in providing mentoring and academic enrichment programs nationally and locally here in Rhode Island.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Camps, Community Science, Education Materials & Resources, Field Trips, Professional Development, Public and/or Family Programs, Service-Learning Projects
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Early Childhood/Pre-K Students, Elementary (K-Grade 5) Students, Environmental Professionals, Families, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Homeschools, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Nonformal Educators, Parents, Policy Makers/Elected Officials, Public and/or Private Schools, Seniors, Special Needs, Teachers/Formal Educators, Youth Groups/Scouts
- Environmental Focus: Animals/Wildlife, Biodiversity, Career Choices, Climate Change/Weather, Conservation, Endangered Species, Energy, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Habitats/Ecosystems, Marine Education, Nature Awareness, Pollution, Recycling/Waste Management, Storm Water, Sustainability, Water/Watersheds
- Academic Focus: Career & Technical Education, Engineering, Health, Mathematics, Science, Social Emotional Learning, Technology