Research and Reports

Below are a number of documents and reports related to our programs and projects. Please let us know if you have any questions or want to discuss these or their implementation and potential uses in greater detail.

eeGuidance for Equitable Pay & Hiring in EE
The guidance, developed by the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA) and informed by their 2021 landscape analysis, provides researched explanations of why equitable pay and hiring matter, outlines specific minimum standards for employers to enact immediately, and identifies the target standards that we all must work toward to transform employment in our field.
View eeGuidance Document

Case for Support 
Looking for a straightforward document that makes a strong and compelling case for environmental education? Look no further! This is a 4-page document meant to be printed on 11″x 17″ paper.
View Case for Support Document

Did you know that environmental education is eligible for funding from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)? ESSA funding can be used to introduce or expand environmental education in your school district as part of your efforts to provide a well-rounded education.
View ESSA & EE Document

Community Forums Report 
In 2019, RIEEA conducted a series of community forums in six key sectors (Education, Environment, Agriculture, Advocacy, Business, and Health) to support the development of the Rhode Island Assessment of Environmental Literacy (RI-AEL) project.
View Community Forums report

NAAEE eeWORKS Research and Tools  
The North American Association for Environmental Education, in partnership with Stanford University, University of California Davis, and University of Florida and guided by an expert advisory board, is conducting comprehensive research reviews and producing communications tools for several priority outcome areas. The eeWORKS project aims to demonstrate evidence-based outcomes of environmental education. 
Visit the eeWORKS website

eeGuidance for Reopening Schools 
Developed in collaboration with the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) in 2020, this guidance document offers dozens of specific strategies for schools and districts, including using the school grounds for outdoor classroom spaces, engaging community partners, and creating healthier learning environments.
View eeGuidance Document

Assessment of Environmental Literacy Reports
With generous funding from the Rhode Island Foundation and Pisces Foundation, RIEEA is implementing the Rhode Island Assessment of Environmental Literacy (RI-AEL) project, a statewide K-12 assessment designed to help us understand the environmental literacy of our students.

Environmental Education: Inventory of Current Practices
The purpose of the survey, which was administered to Rhode Island teachers and administrators in spring 2018 and generously supported by the Pisces Foundation and the Rhode Island Foundation, was to gain an accurate understanding of the current state of environmental education in Rhode Island schools and to assess what educators need to successfully implement environmental education practices.

Best Practices in EE
During the 2017–2018 school year, organizational members of RIEEA provided onsite programming for students and community members at three properties owned and managed by Groundwork Rhode Island. The modules conducted at these properties are excellent examples of environmental education that strengthen students’ environmental literacy and promote best practices among formal and nonformal educators.
View Best Practices Document

Environmental Literacy Plan 
Rhode Island was among the first states in the nation to complete an Environmental Literacy Plan (ELP), opening the door for potential federal funding that will help to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to integrate environmental and science learning into their curricula.
View Environmental Literacy Plan

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