Educator Survey

RIEEA is very excited to share the results of the Environmental Education: Inventory of Current Practices survey that was administered to Rhode Island teachers and administrators in Spring 2018. The purpose of the survey, which was generously supported by the Pisces Foundation and the Rhode Island Foundation, was to gain an accurate understanding of the current state of environmental education in Rhode Island schools and to assess what educators need to successfully implement environmental education practices. It was also used to inform the development of the Rhode Island Assessment of Environmental Literacy project.

Use the interactive dashboard below to explore the results. (You don’t want to miss this so scroll down!)

Organizations and community members are welcome to modify and use the following resources to support their own efforts:

  • RIEEA Educator Survey Executive Summary
  • RIEEA Educator Survey Full Report 
  • RIEEA Educator Survey Questions (Please note that survey questions 4-27 were for those respondents who identified as teachers and questions 28-52 were for those respondents who identified as administrators.)

Please note the following instructions to help you navigate the data: 

  • This dashboard is best viewed on a desktop as opposed to a mobile device.
  • We have included some, but not all, of the data that was collected.
  • Choose from the gray tabs on top to select from the five major areas of research.
  • Click on one or more of the categories on the right to filter the results according to school type, teacher grade level, teaching area, and more. To select more than one element, simply use your control (or command) key.
  • Use the small buttons on the thin gray bar down at the bottom to undo/redo your last action, reset to the default, share or download the dashboard, or view in full screen (press Escape to exit).
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