Art is an effective motivator of environmental advocacy, helping develop a unique sense of unity with and protectiveness over the environment through observation and creation. 15 Minute Field Trips harnesses this philosophy in its virtual and in-person workshops, designed to instill in students, youth groups, and families an appreciation for the outdoors, and empower them as environmental activists.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Camps, Community Learning Projects, Community Science, Consulting Resources, Contest/Award, Education Materials & Resources, Field Trips, Outreach Programs/Speakers, Professional Development, Public and/or Family Programs, Service-Learning Projects
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Early Childhood/Pre-K Students, Elementary (K-Grade 5) Students, Environmental Professionals, Families, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Homeschools, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Nonformal Educators, Parents, Policy Makers/Elected Officials, Public and/or Private Schools, Seniors, Special Needs, Teachers/Formal Educators, Youth Groups/Scouts
- Environmental Focus: Animals/Wildlife, Biodiversity, Climate Change/Weather, Environmental Justice, Gardening/Compost, Habitats/Ecosystems, Nature Awareness, Outdoor Skills/Recreation, Plants/Trees/Forests, Recycling/Waste Management, Storm Water
- Academic Focus: Art – Visual, Engineering, Science, Social Emotional Learning