Save The Bay’s education program brings to life concepts introduced in the classroom. They are happy to customize any of their programs to suit your curriculum needs and have connected all of them to the Next Generation Science Standards. They address a wide range of environmental and marine science topics using a hands-on, inquiry based approach. Education programs are offered at their education facilities in Providence and Newport, aboard one of three US Coast Guards certified education vessels, along the coast line, or in your classroom.
At a glance:
- Resource Type: After-school Programs, Camps, Education Materials & Resources, Field Trips, Outreach Programs/Speakers, Public and/or Family Programs, Service-Learning Projects
- Audiences: Adults, College/University Students, Early Childhood/Pre-K Students, Elementary (K-Grade 5) Students, Environmental Professionals, Families, High School (Grades 9-12) Students, Homeschools, Middle School (Grades 6-8) Students, Nonformal Educators, Parents, Public and/or Private Schools, Seniors, Special Needs, Teachers/Formal Educators, Youth Groups/Scouts
- Environmental Focus: Climate Change/Weather, Conservation, EE Best Practices, Geology, Habitats/Ecosystems, Litter, Marine Education, Nature Awareness, Pollution, Storm Water, Sustainability, Water/Watersheds
- Academic Focus: Science