Join us on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 12:00pm for a Virtual “Lunch & Learn” about shoreline access and current legislation in R.I.

This month, we are excited to announce that we will be joined by Michael Woods!

Michael woods

Michael Woods is a year-round outdoorsman who enjoys fishing in the spring and summer, and hunting in the fall and winter. His desire to conserve and protect wildlife and wild places for future generations brought him to Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA), an organization that advocates on behalf of public lands, waters and wildlife, where he currently leads the group’s efforts in Rhode Island. One of BHA’s top priorities is working to clarify, and restore, public access to RI’s shoreline – which is protected in RI’s Constitution but is currently far from secure, or clear to everyday beach-goers. Join us to learn more about shoreline access in Rhode Island – from historical times to the present, including ongoing legislative work at the Rhode Island State House.


We’re excited to have a lunch & learn about shoreline access and to hear your perspectives. Bring your curiosity, questions, and your lunch!

Zoom link will be sent to you after you fill in the registration form below. Eating on or off camera is encouraged!


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